Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is an opportunity to request that your student attend a school of choice, which is outside of their attendance area. Students who do not live within district boundaries, but want to attend a school in St. Vrain, need to complete the Open Enrollment form.

December 2, 2024 through December 16, 2024 is the period in which applications for open enrollment should be submitted online.

Open Enrollment is Fully Online
  • Apply for multiple students and schools from your computer, phone or tablet, without going to each school and receive an emailed confirmation of receipt.
  • Charter schools use a different process. Please contact them directly. 
  • If your student is currently open enrolled in grade 5 or grade 8 and you wish to stay in that feeder system, you will need to open enroll into your school of choice. 
  • Need assistance with technology or the online application? Please contact any school’s main office for support.

STEP 1: Complete your Open Enrollment Application

STEP 2: Upon being offered a seat through Open Enrollment, you will need to accept that seat and then you will need to Register with that school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Open Enrollment is an opportunity for a student to attend a school of choice which is outside of their attendance area. In district students applying to a school outside their attendance area, as well as students who do not live within district boundaries but want to attend a school in St. Vrain, need to complete the form.
*Students who are currently attending their school of choice on open enrollment do not need to reapply each year in order to remain at the same school.

  • December 2, 2024 to December 16, 2024: Submit your applications online
    This is the open enrollment window in which families who are interested in open enrolling should submit their online applications.
  • January 8, 2025: Deadline to receive a space-available* admission status from your school of choice
    Families will receive notification via the family dashboard with approval or denial status by this date.
  • January 21, 2025: Deadline for open enrollment confirmation
    Applicants who have been approved for open enrollment should visit the requested school by January 22 and confirm their desire to open enroll via the family dashboard.

*Please note that this is a space-available admission decision. Due to recent changes to the policies governing Colorado’s Exceptional Children’s Educational Act, a review of student records is required after the open enrollment period has closed. To complete the open enrollment process, families will be prompted to register at their school of choice and submit their student records using the online registration platform in Infinite Campus. Families are encouraged to expedite final enrollment by submitting all student records as soon as they receive their space-available admission decision.

After the open enrollment timeline, St. Vrain will continue to accept open enrollment applications on a rolling basis. 


An opportunity to request that your student attends a school of choice, which is different than their designated attendance area school.

Open Enrollment Reminders
  • All schools allow open enrollment, however some schools may not have space available for open enrollment. Each year the Board of Education reviews school populations, enrollment projections, building capacities and staff sizes and determines what schools can permit open enrollment.
  • Transportation for open enrolled or non SVVSD students is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

Students whose applications are denied or whose applications were submitted after the December 15 deadline will be added to the waitlist of the requested school. Board policy also provides the opportunity of appeal.

  • Students wishing to apply for Open Enrollment/Nonresident for the current school year – Contact schools for more information.
  • Open Enrollment FAQs English Spanish

Explore Your Options

Open Enrollment Appeals Process

If you have been denied open enrollment and would like to appeal the open enrollment decision or would like further instructions, please submit the open enrollment appeal form to

Board Policy on Open Enrollment
St. Vrain Valley Schools