Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning Work-based learning has always been the foundation of career and technical education. Experiences such as guest speakers, field trips, job shadowing, internships and school-based enterprises provide students the opportunity to connect course content to their desired career pathway and potential work site. St. Vrain Valley CTE programs align with the Colorado Career and
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Family Update: Online Learning Plan and School Closures

Dear St. Vrain Valley Families, Thank you for your continued partnership during this challenging time. I am extremely proud of how our community has come together to ensure that our students will continue to engage in their learning. Please take a moment to view a video message that I recorded for our community which reflects my
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Elementary Updates 2023-24 August

August 2023New Unit Plans Google Sites! Our Unit Plans have been updated and redesigned for 2023-24! The same content and general organization remain with cleaner navigation and aesthetics using dropdowns. As a new feature, each content area has its own landing page with content-specific resources for all elementary educators. These new Google Sites serve as
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St. Vrain Valley Schools