2025 Board Meetings

2025 Board Meetings Board of Education meetings are typically held on the first and third Wednesday of each month, and begin at 6:00 p.m., unless otherwise specified in the event listing below. Regular Board of Education meetings are held at 395 S. Pratt Parkway in Longmont. Study sessions are generally held on a rotation through
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Innovation Center Students Inspire Young Scientists at Indian Peaks Elementary

High School bioscience students from the Innovation Center led a microbial inquiry lab for 5th graders at Indian Peaks Elementary in early October. Together they conducted hands-on experiments to study the presence and behavior of microorganisms on various surfaces.  A microbial lab is a specialized laboratory where students explore and cultivate tiny living organisms known
Innovation Center Students Inspire Young Scientists at Indian Peaks Elementary Read More

Middle School Mathematics and Secondary World Languages Adoption Public Review

St. Vrain Valley Schools is currently piloting new instructional resources for middle school mathematics and secondary world languages. The resources will be available for online review and introduction. Teachers, administrators, students, parents, and community members are all welcome to evaluate the digital materials and provide feedback during our virtual meetings. Please click the following links during
Middle School Mathematics and Secondary World Languages Adoption Public Review Read More

Opportunities to Learn More About Highlands Elementary – Virtual Community Meetings

We will be hosting two virtual community forums about Highlands Elementary, May 5 at 4:30 p.m. and May 6 at 6:00 p.m., where you will have the opportunity to hear from school leadership, learn more about our school programs and offerings, preview the building’s interior, and ask questions.
Opportunities to Learn More About Highlands Elementary – Virtual Community Meetings Read More


ASCENT Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment (ASCENT) is a program that allows students to participate in college courses after their 12th-grade year. This program covers the cost of tuition for the Fall and Spring semesters (in the year after high school completion) and associated fees.  Students are responsible for books, materials, transportation, and living expenses. 
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Virtual Open House Dates 2020

As families plan their transition to middle and high school next year, schools are hosting virtual open houses to answer questions and share information about the many program offerings across St. Vrain Valley Schools. Below are upcoming virtual open house dates across the district. Schools will host their 2020 virtual open houses through either a
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Middle schoolers show off knowledge during Geography Bee

Approximately 80 middle school students took part in the St. Vrain Valley School’s districtwide Geography Bee on Thursday. Teams of five to six students represented middle schools across the district at the event, which took place at the Innovation Center. They answered questions about physical, cultural, media, political, economic and current events in geography for
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2008 Bond & Mill Levy Override

2008 Bond In November 2008, District voters approved a $189 million bond for district-wide capital building repairs, infrastructure upgrades, the construction of a new high school in the Carbon Valley, and the ability to respond to pockets of overcrowding in the District. Questions & AnswersFacts about the Bond Parent Advisory: Renovation & Environmental Compliance “Renovate
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Brand Guidelines and Logos

Brand Guidelines and Logos St. Vrain Valley Schools uses brand guidelines to ensure consistent implementation and representation of the St. Vrain brand in all communication materials. Brand guidelines include required fonts, color palette, and primary and secondary logo usage requirements. Download District-Approved Fonts Full Logo Download Full logo (reverse) Download Chop logo Download Chop logo
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Board Policies

Board Policies The policies developed by the Board of Education outline a course of action for the District. Board of Education policies are typically passed in a two reading process with final adoption following. All such readings are done at Board meetings that are open to the public. If you have any questions about this
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St. Vrain Valley Schools