International group commends St. Vrain for business practices

The St. Vrain Valley School District has been recognized for excellence in budget presentation by an international group focused on business practices and policies in public education. For the 2021-2022 school year, the district has earned the Pathway to the Meritorious Budget Award from the Association of School Business Officials International.
International group commends St. Vrain for business practices Read More

‘Still alive and thriving’: how SVVSD drama programs have endured the COVID storm

Despite social distancing and COVID-related regulations, drama program students and teachers in St. Vrain Valley School District continue to work closely together. When COVID first hit in March, in-person instruction moved online, impacting students across the board. For those involved in the arts, hybrid and online learning has taken an added toll as they took a
‘Still alive and thriving’: how SVVSD drama programs have endured the COVID storm Read More

Altona Middle School designated ‘School to Watch’ giving SVVSD the most designations in Colorado

Altona Middle School in Longmont was recently designated as a 2021 Colorado Trailblazer School to Watch by the Colorado Association of Middle Level Education, or CAMLE, bringing the number of St. Vrain Valley schools with the designation to four, according to Kerri McDermid, district chief communications and global impact officer There are 18 middle schools with
Altona Middle School designated ‘School to Watch’ giving SVVSD the most designations in Colorado Read More

From mental health to community involvement, SVVSD leaves no safety stone unturned

There have been 28 school shootings that have resulted in injury or death in 2021, 21 of those since August, according to Education Week, an education news publication., however, states there have been 170 shootings affiliated with K-12 schools throughout the year, not all necessarily resulting in injury or death.  These are scary numbers for
From mental health to community involvement, SVVSD leaves no safety stone unturned Read More

Erie High School Senior Jamis Schriner Awarded $40K College Board Opportunity Scholarship on Good Morning America

Senior Jamis Schriner was surprised with a $40K College Board Opportunity Scholarship on Good Morning America on Monday, March 30 while his peers at school watched and celebrated him. Jamis is one of 25 students in the Class of 2021 from across the country to receive this award by completing the steps in the College
Erie High School Senior Jamis Schriner Awarded $40K College Board Opportunity Scholarship on Good Morning America Read More

Peer Observation Training

Peer Observation Training Peer observation using a collaborative-inquiry stance is an effective way to support teacher growth. Teachers in St. Vrain now have the opportunity to sharpen their skills to provide high quality, data-driven feedback that empowers their colleagues.  Professional Development offers both face-to-face classes and online resources for Peer Observation Training. Participants will: The online training video, as well
Peer Observation Training Read More

Blended Learning

Blended Learning What is blended learning? The SVVSD Blended model is a combination between research-supported practices and quality online content. Blended learning puts the students at the center by giving them more control of the content, path, place, pace, and time of learning. Key components include online formative assessment, high-quality instructional content, differentiated small group instruction/station rotation, and
Blended Learning Read More

Update from Nutrition Services regarding last-minute menu changes

At St. Vrain Valley Schools, we know the importance of school meals in fueling both healthy minds and bodies. While school meals may look a little different during the 2021-2022 school year, please know that your school nutrition team is working hard to ensure students have safe, nutritious, and appealing meals. Today, I am writing
Update from Nutrition Services regarding last-minute menu changes Read More

St. Vrain Valley Schools Finalizes Major 2016 Bond Construction Projects

In November of 2016, voters approved St. Vrain Valley’s $260.3 million bond issue by a wide margin, signifying wide community investment in public education. As teachers and students begin the start of the 2020-2021 academic year, the district’s Operations and Maintenance departments are finalizing three major 2016 bond construction projects. Mead Elementary At the northeast
St. Vrain Valley Schools Finalizes Major 2016 Bond Construction Projects Read More

St. Vrain Valley Schools