Dyslexia Task Force

OVERVIEW The goal of St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Dyslexia Task Force is to provide high quality support to students with dyslexic characteristics. The model of support includes using current research, evidence-based interventions and early identification screeners to support students identified as dyslexic, or who have characteristics of dyslexia. Dyslexia is recognized as a “specific learning
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Summer Programs

Summer School, Camps, and Enrichment St. Vrain Valley Schools offers robust summer programming options to keep students engaged in their academic learning. Major summer programs are listed below. Many schools across the district offer various athletics, fine arts, and activities for students over the summer. Visit your school’s webpage or contact the main office for
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Blended Learning

Blended Learning What is blended learning? The SVVSD Blended model is a combination between research-supported practices and quality online content. Blended learning puts the students at the center by giving them more control of the content, path, place, pace, and time of learning. Key components include online formative assessment, high-quality instructional content, differentiated small group instruction/station rotation, and
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Alpine Elementary’s Preschool Teachers are Committed in Providing Academic Excellence

Alpine Elementary School prides itself on its high-quality preschool program, where learning begins with exploration and play. Supported by the passion and dedication of two educators, Mrs. Debi Boruff and Mrs. Kathy Willyard, the program continuously prepares students academically by creating a sense of curiosity, empathy, and joy in learning. Reflecting on their journey into
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Longmont Estates Elementary School Offers a Nurturing Beginning for Preschoolers

Longmont Estates Elementary School is where young learners embark on their educational journey. The preschool program, consisting of two classrooms led by Christy Dreiman and Alexis Vorhaus, creates an environment that fosters both academic readiness and social-emotional growth. Christy Dreiman earned her Master of Arts in Early Childhood Special Education and is passionate about working
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Mead High School Hosts Make-a-Wish Week to Make Child’s Dream Come True

For the past six years, Mead High School has raised funds for Make-a-Wish Colorado to help grant the wishes of children with critical illnesses. During this year’s Make-a-Wish Week, held January 15-20, the Mead community came together to support an eight-year-old girl named Zaidee. Having undergone a liver transplant seven years ago due to a
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What is Gifted?

Gifted children are students whose abilities, talents, or potential are so outstanding they require special provisions to meet their educational needs. These students are in the top 3-5% of their age group in their specific area(s) of giftedness. All gifted students in the St. Vrain Valley School District have an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) that outlines
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Graduation Rates Continue to Climb in St. Vrain

In St. Vrain, driving student excellence and providing opportunities for engagement and rigorous learning is having a large impact on advancing student achievement. St. Vrain’s graduation rates have reached their highest level – with over 90 percent of students in traditional high school programs graduating within four years. Overall graduation rates climbed 3 percent for
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St. Vrain Valley Schools