Blended Learning

Blended Learning What is blended learning? The SVVSD Blended model is a combination between research-supported practices and quality online content. Blended learning puts the students at the center by giving them more control of the content, path, place, pace, and time of learning. Key components include online formative assessment, high-quality instructional content, differentiated small group instruction/station rotation, and
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‘Still alive and thriving’: how SVVSD drama programs have endured the COVID storm

Despite social distancing and COVID-related regulations, drama program students and teachers in St. Vrain Valley School District continue to work closely together. When COVID first hit in March, in-person instruction moved online, impacting students across the board. For those involved in the arts, hybrid and online learning has taken an added toll as they took a
‘Still alive and thriving’: how SVVSD drama programs have endured the COVID storm Read More

Erie schools present third annual Hope and Gratitude Project

Highlands Elementary PTO and Soaring Heights PTO are organizing the third annual Hope and Gratitude Project from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday on Briggs Street in downtown Erie. The event features luminaries made by students and staff members from most of the elementary and middle schools in Erie. The project is an opportunity for them
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St. Vrain students continue to connect to their community through afterschool programming

Though their learning is taking place online, students across St. Vrain Valley Schools continue to connect with peers for extracurricular enrichment activities. Clubs allow students to socialize outside of academics and maintain connections to their school community during this period of blended learning. Mead Middle’s school focus is Extracurricular Engagement and Learning (EXCEL) with a
St. Vrain students continue to connect to their community through afterschool programming Read More


University/Community Options American College of Education Masters and Doctorate Programs American College of Education (ACE) offers 100% online advanced degrees, with master’s programs under $9500 and doctorate degrees under $24,000. All St. Vrain employees receive a discount towards their programs. For more information contact [email protected]. Colorado Christian University Master’s in Educational Leadership As an employee at
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Boulder County graduating seniors celebrate accomplishments after pandemic school disruptions

Monarch High graduating senior Hannah Rowton dressed a cardboard cutout of “Harry Potter” villain Draco Malfoy in different outfits as a backdrop to keep herself engaged as online classes dragged on during her junior year. “It was hard mentally,” she said. “It was so hard not knowing when things would end, if I would get
Boulder County graduating seniors celebrate accomplishments after pandemic school disruptions Read More

Secondary English Language Arts Curriculum Adoption Public Review

Secondary English Language Arts Curriculum Adoption Public Review The secondary language arts design and pilot teams have completed the composition and successive review of the new proposed secondary language arts curricular resources. The resources will be available for online review and introduction Wednesday, March 17 from 12 – 1 p.m. and 8 – 9 p.m.
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State and Federal Coronavirus Funding Information

State and Federal Coronavirus Funding Information Thanks in large part to our community for their support over many years, we are well positioned to maintain programs at a high level as we move forward. SVVSD Covid Relief Funding FY20-24 Federal Relief FundingCategoriesFY19-20FY20-21FY21-22FY22-23FY23-24Grand TotalAAAAfter-school tutoring1,758,139.26795,459.1090,000.002,643,598.36At-RiskAt-risk instructional offset764,103.43764,103.43Covid StaffIncreased instructional offset270,585.7710,817,507.4411,088,093.21Help learning virtuallyStaff remote learning training, online
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St. Vrain Valley Schools