Records Management

Overview Archiving, managing, and storing historical records is the responsibility of the Records Management Department. Additionally, the department submits required information to the Colorado Department of Education. This includes staff and student count information. Contact this office to: Retrieve records such as transcripts or other information found in a student’s cumulative folderGather demographic information regarding
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St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Beth Cerrone receives 2023 High School National Presidential Cybersecurity Award

Beth Cerrone, Cybersecurity Instructor at the Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools, has been named the 2023 High School recipient of the National Presidential Cybersecurity Award, sponsored by the National Department of Education. This annual recognition is awarded to one exceptional high school teacher in the nation. Cerrone has been instrumental in developing a
St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Beth Cerrone receives 2023 High School National Presidential Cybersecurity Award Read More

Innovation Center to Host ‘Day of AI’ Event as Part of Computer Science Education Week

The Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools is set to host a Day of AI event on December 2 from 2-5:00 p.m. as part of this year’s Computer Science Education Week. The event will feature a variety of activities designed to engage, educate, and inspire attendees about artificial intelligence (AI). Students, parents, educators, and
Innovation Center to Host ‘Day of AI’ Event as Part of Computer Science Education Week Read More

St. Vrain students help raise, reintroduce local fish population adversely affected by 2013 flood

As a result of the 2013 Colorado Front Range Flood, the native Northern Redbelly Dace was adversely affected by overflowing sediment that altered its habitat in local ponds. The fish, classified as a Tier 1 Species of Greatest Conservation Need, are considered endangered in Colorado because of low population numbers. By pairing students with biologists, an innovative recovery project aims to raise and successfully breed 100 redbelly dace, the offspring from which will be used to reintroduce the species locally.
St. Vrain students help raise, reintroduce local fish population adversely affected by 2013 flood Read More

St. Vrain Valley Schools