CLDE Requirements

Professional Development Class

CLDE Requirements

English Learner PD Requirements – Information for Educators

To help better support students in Colorado who are English language learners, the State Board of Education adopted rules in June 2018 requiring educators with elementary, math, science, social studies and English language arts (and any middle-level) endorsements to complete Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Education training for a minimum of 45 hours.

St. Vrain Valley Schools has established a CDE-approved pathway for this requirement.  Once you have completed 45 hours in a combination of the following Professional Development offerings, we will issue an English Learner PD Certificate which you will need to submit to CDE upon relicensure. (CLICK HERE to request the English Learning PD Certificate). If you have any questions, please contact the SVVS CLDE Requirements Pathway Specialist at [email protected].

The approved St. Vrain Pathway classes have been updated. Here are the CURRENT classes you can take to meet these requirements (Classes with a link are currently open for registration).

  • Integrating Language in ContenteWorkshop(15 hours):   This online eWorkshop will focus on addressing the following essential question: How can I provide multilingual learners the greatest opportunities to acquire both the knowledge and the language needed to be successful in my classroom?
  • Culturally Responsive Instruction for Native American Students (21 hours): This professional development provides a framework for instruction that emphasizes experiential, active, and student-centered learning. It supports all teachers in creating culturally responsive instruction for their Native students. 
  • Language and Concept Development (15 hours):  Participants will explore six online units of content, post reflections and lesson ideas regarding the content, and reply to each other’s posts.
  • Teach to REACH Conference (15 hours):  Join St. Vrain educators at a two-day conference to raise your awareness and ability to support English language development so that ALL students can engage in robust academic discourse and disciplinary literacy in all content areas. This is a late-summer conference.
  • WIDA Professional Learning (Hours depend on the modules completed):  Register in WisdomWhere, for access to WIDA modules.  Once you register in WisdomWhere, please email [email protected] to be set up with a WIDA login.  When you have completed the modules of your choice, email your certificates to [email protected] to receive credit.
  • WIDA makes changes to their Professional Learning modules each September. If you have completed a module that is no longer available, please include that certificate when you send them to me. You will receive credits for all of your certificates as long as they are or have been listed under WIDA Professional Learning.
  • Choose from the following WIDA Professional Learning modules. If you have not previously signed up with WIDA, please email [email protected] and let Amy know that you need to be set up with a WIDA account. Access to individual models will be available through the WIDA Professional Learning link you will receive after you register:
    • Desarrollando el español: Las expectativas del lenguaje (1 hour): This self-paced workshop offers K-12 bilingual educators an opportunity to engage in a deeper examination of the Marco DALE with a focus on Language Expectations, functions and features through the analysis of mentor texts. Participants explore materials and additional resources to enhance their skills in planning for socio-culturally informed language development.
    • Developing Language for Learning in Mathematics (4 hours)This eWorkshop will focus on recognizing and designing mathematics instruction that simultaneously strengthens both mathematical  reasoning and language development for multilingual learners.
    • Engaging Multilingual Learners in Science:  Making Sense of Phenomena (4 hours)This eWorkshop provides many classroom-ready strategies for including multilingual students in the central work of sensemaking in phenomenon-based three-dimensional science.
    • Equity-Focused Professional Learning Communities:  A Resource Guide and Study Guides (1 hour)The information provided in this micro-learning is designed to guide educators who want to come together in an equity-focused PLC that positions educators as learners to impact their daily classroom practice in service of equitable education for multilingual learners.
    • Evaluaciones del desarrollo del lenguaje a nivel de salón (1 hour): This offering is designed for Spanish and English bilingual K-12 educators, administrators, and support staff who assess language development in a bilingual context.
    • Exploring the WIDA PreK-3 Essential Actions ( 2 hours ): This eWorkshop will provide educators opportunities to explore the WIDA PreK-3 Essential Actions and a large variety of teacher-friendly tools and resources designed to provide the multilingual children they serve equitable opportunities to language, learn and thrive.
    • Let’s Play! Multilingual Children’s Joyful Learning in PreK-3 (2 hours): Let’s Play! During this self-paced virtual workshop, you will explore what play for multilingual children is, why it is ideal for multilingual children’s language development and learning, and how to implement more joyful learning.
    • Making Language Visible in the Classroom:  Explore the Key Language Uses (1 hour)Using WIDA ELD Standards Framework’s genre-based approach, educators will be able to recognize some common and unique linguistic and organizational features of Key Language Uses.
    • Newcomers: Promoting Success through Strengthening Practice ( 3 hours ): This eWorkshop explores what educators can do to welcome and engage multilingual newcomers and their families into their classrooms and schools.
    • Reading Comprehension Across Content Areas with Multilingual Learners (1 hour): This self-paced online workshop is designed to empower educators with tools and strategies to enhance the reading comprehension of multilingual learners.
    • Reframing Education for Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) (1 hour)This offering is for educators of students classified as Long Term Els (LTELs) and will utilize stories of students to support reframing the education of these students.
    • Teaching Multilingual Learners Social Studies Through Multiple Perspectives (3 hours): In an increasingly connected world, Social Studies teaching and learning provides a unique opportunity to foster connections between our multilingual students’ identities as global citizens and their social context.
    • WIDA ELD Standards Framework:  A Collaborative Approach (4 hours)This eWorkshop explores ways to use the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, 2020 Edition to support multilingual learners’ achievement and language development.

The approved St. Vrain Pathway classes have been updated. Here are the RETIRED classes that will still apply toward your CLDE certificate but are no longer offered in the SVVS PD catalog. 

  • SIOP Training (various hours):  The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model is a research-based and validated instructional model that has proven effective in addressing the academic needs of English learners throughout the United States.
  • The Standards of Effective Pedagogy:  Standards 1 and 2, Standards 3 and 4, and/or Standards 5 and 6 (15 hours each):  These online eWorkshops focused on the standards of the CREDE (Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence) Standards of Effective Pedagogy. Participants explored how connecting teaching and curriculum to the experiences and skills of bilingual students’ homes and communities promotes complex thinking.
St. Vrain Valley Schools