Unleashing Potential: AI and Creativity Camp at St. Vrain Valley Schools

The Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools’ groundbreaking AI and Creativity Camp is transforming how students engage with technology. Through camp activities, students combine technology and creativity by exploring a range of Artificial Intelligence including AI software, art projects, 3D models, and more.  A Transformative Experience One of the standout participants in this camp
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St. Vrain Valley Schools Finalizes Major 2016 Bond Construction Projects

In November of 2016, voters approved St. Vrain Valley’s $260.3 million bond issue by a wide margin, signifying wide community investment in public education. As teachers and students begin the start of the 2020-2021 academic year, the district’s Operations and Maintenance departments are finalizing three major 2016 bond construction projects. Mead Elementary At the northeast
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Mead Middle Students Host Annual Veterans Day Breakfast

On Friday, the Mead Middle School cafeteria was filled with buzz as students, teachers, and staff continued their tradition of hosting an annual breakfast to honor local veterans. Seventh and eighth grade students plated hot meals and refilled coffee cups to community members who served in the armed services as far back as World War
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SVVSD starting construction on new building for Mead Elementary

By Amy Bounds, Times-Call St. Vrain Valley School District’s original plan was to replace the aging Mead Elementary School building in pieces over time, starting by replacing a classroom addition with a wood floor in need of repair. But with other capital construction projects included the district’s $260 million bond issue package going smoothly, there was enough
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Mead Elementary Supports Summer Reading

Mead Elementary started The Summer Fun Reading Program this year that opens up their school library to the community from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. every Tuesday. Recognizing the Town of Mead does not have a public library, Jennifer Stanich, a kindergarten teacher at Mead Elementary, developed the idea to open up their school library during the summer after
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St. Vrain Valley Schools