Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas
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Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas

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Mask Art

Siobhan Chandrasekara

Geometric Sweets

Quinn Snyder


Scarlett Sierra Chavarria

Vases and sculptures

Will Reeder

Vases and sculptures

Maren Wilson

Breaking the Silence

Amelia Parsons

Breaking the Silence

Evia Doig

Line Monster

Calixto Bello

Cardboard and Oil Pastel

Juliana Brunker

Cardboard and Oil Pastel

James Schoeneshoefer

Nature watercolors

Camila Janine’s Garcia

Nature watercolors

Citalie Mares

Estonia 2

Morgan Mcdonald

Picasso Self Portrait

Peyton Gutierrez

Telluride Gondola

Alex Canino Pitz


Alanna Salazar

Art Without an Audience

Bryce McDermid

Art Without an Audience

Kaden Snedecor

Land of Hourglass

Kaelyn Guiterrez

Op Art

Jocelyn Peterson

Intermediate Drawing Project

Blake Yoder

Intermediate Drawing Project

Veronica Cello Johnson

Clay Sculpture

Olivia Cook Kloser

Clay Sculpture

Tristan Borchardt

Prismacolor Close Ups

Lillia Rodriguez


Isabella Neiberger


Fernando Verizor Lagunes


Class Collaborative

Pop Art Printmaking

Natalie Houchin

Altered Book

Gloria Stem

self portrait

finn sanger

self portrait

Jiro Taylor

self portrait

Zoe Finch

Sitting Down

Michal DeBusk

Broom casting

Kalah Jackson

Broom casting

Aaron White

Abstract Alphabet

Maia Schaalman


Freya Livingstone

St. Vrain Valley Schools