Equine Facilitated Therapy is doing wonders for 10 Middle and High School students at Main Street School who are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend sessions at Medicine Horse in Longmont.
During the six-week “Giddy Up” program, students not only learn to care for horses, they’ll also work with a licensed therapist to learn about themselves by utilizing mindfulness practices, skill development and relationship building.
Attending Medicine Horse is not just about forming a connection with horses or taking care of animals, it’s also about learning how to connect with others on a regular basis. Horses can help students build confidence, trust, communication and social skills, which in return helps them learn to control impulses, regulate emotions and set boundaries within everyday life.
Gina Trujillo, principal at Main Street School, is seeing first-hand the benefits from students attending sessions at Medicine Horse. Trujillo says the skills students are learning are invaluable. “Students are coming alive and reengaging with the world around them by being around horses. They’re also getting excited about farm animals. If it weren’t for this program, these kids would never have had access to farm life otherwise.”
On the days that students go to Medicine Horse, students are the happiest and calmest they are all week. Trujillo wants them to tap into the joy and the skills they’re learning at Medicine Horse and carry it over to the school environment. “Medicine Horse gives our students something to look forward to and teaches them to work together as a team. They also learn how to use nature to ground themselves when they’re upset,” Trujillo said.
Trujillo has already noticed improvement in students’ overall behavior and she can’t wait to share Medicine Ranch with more students in the future. She doesn’t want to halt the progress students are making, so she already has two groups planned for the spring; a beginner and an advanced group. She is also hoping to set up a field trip for her elementary students.
Medicine Horse’s mission is to use the empathic power of horses to transform lives and promote healing. Click here to learn more about their mission, or to donate to their cause.