Safety & Security
The Office of Safety and Security is responsible for ensuring the safety of all students, staff, and visitors to any St. Vrain Valley School. Our mission is to enhance the educational environment, ensuring each and every student has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential for academic achievement and success. We accomplish this through a partnership with the whole community, which includes students, staff, parents, local businesses and government organizations, and a high functioning school board.
The District believes that staff, parents, students, and community members play a part in keeping learning environments safe. Each group has a specific responsibility:
- Staff members should model safe behavior, monitor student and visitor behavior, and reinforce the expectations set forth in a variety of behavior programs. Staff should also regularly review facility needs, plan and conduct safety drills, organize and participate in safety committees, and work collaboratively to fine tune or improve prevention or preparedness plans for safe schools.
- Parents or family members should be knowledgeable about safety and security procedures at their student’s school, reinforce the behavioral expectations as set forth by the school district, participate in school safety discussions at meetings, and alert school authorities when they come across dependable information to share.
- Students play a paramount role in sustaining a violence-free school environment. Threads of valuable information are tightly woven from student to student. When troublesome information enters that pattern, students should know how to identify a potential threat or danger, have a safe place to report it, and believe that trustworthy adults will follow-up on this tip. Students should also help sustain a safe learning environment by practicing positive interpersonal relationship skills on a daily basis.
- Community members can best support safe school efforts by modeling safe behaviors every day. Demonstrating civility, empathy, respect, non-discrimination, and positive interpersonal relationships as a community sets a social standard that fosters non-violent lifestyles community-wide.
- Community groups, organizations, and businesses can participate in school crisis preparedness by way of offering their time, expertise, or facilities to schools for their use. In a commendable endeavor, school staff can work collaboratively with law enforcement, fire safety agencies, churches, city departments, private clubs, and businesses to successfully coordinate use of alternate facilities in a crisis.
From a state-wide perspective, the St. Vrain Valley School District is a leader in developing and implementing a violence-free environment policy with measurable performance components. The District’s policy requires that each school:
- Have a Safety Committee
- Promote positive school climate/culture
- Promote violence reduction, empathy, respect, non-discrimination, and positive interpersonal relationships
- Discuss safety and security issues regularly at staff meetings
- Discuss safety and security issues at parent meetings
- Have a mechanism in place to access information that averts violent or destructive behavior
- Insures that each staff member has participated in crisis preparedness training
- Includes lockdown, evacuation, fire, and tornado drills in their safety drill procedures
Resources For Parents Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
Safe2Tell Hotline
Phone: 1-877-542-7233
Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family, or your community.
Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s school if they have additional questions about school safety.
Safety and Well-Being Stories
Heart and Mind
In St. Vrain, student well-being and safety are among our highest priorities.
“Our vision for St. Vrain Valley Schools is to cultivate a school experience that will inspire every student to effectively face the challenges of heart and mind so that they may become joyful, lifelong learners in a highly-competitive, diverse world.”

School Culture Drives Student Safety
It is no secret that St. Vrain Valleys Schools values cutting-edge technology, high-quality teachers and academic excellence within its schools. These essentials are considered ‘priority one’ when speaking to any district official or community stakeholder. Another area of equal importance is student safety and providing secure learning environments for our community’s greatest asset – students.