Records Management


Records Management



Archiving, managing, and storing historical records is the responsibility of the Records Management Department. Additionally, the department submits required information to the Colorado Department of Education. This includes staff and student count information. Contact this office to:

  • Retrieve records such as transcripts or other information found in a student’s cumulative folder
  • Gather demographic information regarding enrollment information, suspension/expulsion information, graduation rates, dropout rates
  • Verify enrollment/graduation of a student
  • Research historical records
Student Records Request

The St. Vrain Valley Schools Records Department is responsible for the archiving of student cumulative records of former St. Vrain Valley Schools students.

Per District policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) student records are only available to those who have authorization from the student or parent, guardian or responsible person if the student is less than 18 years of age. If the student is 18 years of age or older, school records will not be released to a parent, guardian, or responsible person without the student’s written consent.

All requests for student records / information will be submitted and paid for online. Phone and fax requests will no longer be accepted.

To order Records/Transcripts for a former student
To Verify Graduation/Education for a former student

Click Here

Public Records Request (CORA)

St. Vrain Valley Schools complies with the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) in terms of public review of district records [Board Policy KDB and KDB-R]. Information attainable by CORA requests include any writing that is made, kept or maintained by St. Vrain Valley Schools, emails and records that are stored in digital filing systems, computers or servers.

St. Vrain Valley Schools’ records are public, unless otherwise protected, and shall be available within three business days from the initial request. If the record exists but cannot be gathered within the three-day period, the delivery date shall be extended an additional seven working days. The requestor shall be notified of the extension within the first three days of receiving the request. Format requests will be considered, but the District reserves the right to provide information in the format the District deems most appropriate.

If the records do not exist, there is no duty to create that public record. If the District agrees to generate the requested report and require additional manpower to format or create, certain fees may apply. Costs associated with fulfilling the request will be communicated to the requestor prior to data collection. All fees must be paid in full before completing the records request.


Fees will be charged in accordance with Board Policy KDB and KDB-R.

To submit your records request please use St. Vrain’s electronic Public Records Request (CORA) Form.

IEP Records Request

The St. Vrain Valley Schools Student Services Department is responsible for the archiving of student cumulative records of former St. Vrain Valley Schools students.

Per District policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) student records are only available to those who have authorization from the student or parent, guardian or responsible person if the student is less than 18 years of age. If the student is 18 years of age or older, school records will not be released to a parent, guardian, or responsible person without the student’s written consent.

To order IEP Records/Transcripts or to verify Graduation/Education for a former student, please visit the following website: 

Click Here

Contact Us

Kerri McDermid

Contact for Public Records Requests (CORA)

St. Vrain Valley Schools