Parent University

Parents with students

Parent University

Parents with students

St. Vrain Parent University

St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. Parent University partners with internal district departments, academic institutions, community organizations, and other agencies to equip families with additional skills, knowledge, and resources.

Classes offered through Parent University provide resources and information in areas such as safety, life skills, academic development, and financial literacy, and will provide families with tools that they can use to encourage their children to become successful while fostering school and community engagement.

Parent University is designed to:

  • Increase parental engagement and participation in schools.
  • Empower parents to become effective advocates for their children.
  • Strengthen home-school-community partnerships.
  • Allow parents an opportunity to network with professionals and other parents.
  • Help parents develop the skills needed to implement positive parenting practices.
  • Equip parents with the knowledge and awareness of resources available to them.

Upcoming Events

Spanish translation services will be available. Please register online to assist with planning purposes.

April 22 from 5:00-6:30 p.m.
ParentU Exploring the Future with AI
Where: Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools

Explore the Future of Learning with AI!
Join us for an engaging AI Open House, where parents, students, and community members can experience firsthand how Artificial Intelligence is transforming education. This interactive event will feature student- and instructor-led AI stations, hands-on activities, and real-world applications of AI in St. Vrain classrooms.

What to Expect:

  • Explore how AI enhances learning and innovation in K-12 education.
  • See student and teacher AI projects in action.
  • Try out hands-on AI tools and experiences.
  • Connect with educators, students, and fellow parents in meaningful discussions about AI.
  • Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the exciting possibilities of AI in education and beyond!

Partnership with PEN

Parent Engagement Network Logo

Parent University is supported through our strong partnership with the Parent Engagement Network (PEN), a community organization that has been advancing their mission to support parents in raising healthy, happy humans for over 20 years. Learn more about PEN and other learning opportunities for parents at


For more information regarding St. Vrain’s Parent University, please contact:

Smiling woman with brown hair and blue eyes
Laura Hess

Assistant Superintendent of Special Education

Paula Nelson
Paula Nelson

Program Director, Parent Engagement Network

St. Vrain Valley Schools