Professional Development

Professional Development Class
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Professional Development

Professional Development Class

Office of Professional Development

The Office of Professional Development provides ongoing support for all licensed, administrative, and classified personnel.  Our goal is to build the capacity of all district employees through staff development that improves the learning of all the children we serve.  The department also coordinates the induction program for personnel new to the district or their position.

If you are working toward a salary advancement, please refer to the LATERAL MOVE GUIDELINES on the Human Resources Webpage.

If you are considering taking a class that is not related to an advanced degree, please use THIS FORM to submit that information to the Office of Professional Development for prior approval.

If you have a certificate that you would like have added to your SVVS transcript, please upload it to THIS FORM and it will be reviewed for possible credit.

Upcoming Events & Opportunities

Teaching Outdoors Workshop Led by Good Natured Learning, April 5, 2025

Green heart logo containing an open book and butterflies with the text "Good Natured Learning" underneath.

All licensed and certified teachers at SVVS of all grade levels are invited to take part in this exciting learning and teaching experience! Teachers can earn .5 Professional Development/Salary Credit by participating in this one-day workshop and earn an additional .5 Professional Development/Salary Credit by putting what they learn into practice with their own students.

Scholarship Opportunity

Logo of DKG, International Society for Key Women Educators, featuring a rose and the initials "DKG" in stylized text.

Mu Chapter Delta Kappa Gamma is pleased to offer a $500 scholarship to an educator in the St. Vrain Valley School District who is working on an advanced degree.

Mu Chapter began in 1939 in Longmont and has a history of supporting excellence in education over the years. Current projects include Books for Kids, Scholarships, and Adopt-a-Classroom.  Members are active within the community in a variety of ways.  Delta Kappa Gamma was founded in 1929 as a way to support and promote women in education.  DKG expanded to include numerous international chapters.  Please visit for more information.

To apply for this scholarship, please complete this form by April 25, 2025.  Scholarships will be awarded on May 17th.  Recipients will be notified prior to then. 
Applicants must
 – Be employed by SVVSD for a minimum of three years
 – Be enrolled in an advanced degree program
The scholarship must be used during the summer of 2025 or the 2025-2026 school year.

Exploration AI: The Journey

There is still time to join Exploration AI: The Journey and dive into the exciting world of AI in Education!

Why join?

  • Earn 1.0 credit for your professional growth.
  • Win prizes for participation.
  • Explore a School AI-specific module to bring cutting-edge tools into your classroom.
Promotional graphic for "Exploration AI: The Journey" course with details about credits and prizes. Classroom scene depicted.

A Cohort is Forming – Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) CUDenver/St. Vrain

Want to earn a Master’s in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) or Bilingual Education?

The University of Colorado Denver is proud to partner with St. Vrain schools to offer graduate study in CLDE. Classes are designed for teachers and teacher leaders in SVVSD who are passionate about improving educational access and success for learners from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds. Graduate certificate, endorsement, or degree programs are available. 
If you’d like to learn more about the St. Vrain cohort option, please see the attached information sheet and sign up for an upcoming information session.

Online Information Sessions


If you’re interested in finding out more about scholarships and grants available to make graduate education in CLDE, Bilingual Education, or other high needs areas affordable, please join us for a webinar, Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at 5:00 PM. Sign up at The webinar will be recorded, and a link will be sent to those who sign up. 

This transformational, practice-oriented program will develop your knowledge, leadership skills and classroom practices.You will blend your prior professional learning with relevant and engaging topics you can implement in your own classroom, thus gaining practicum experience to use toward graduate credit.
Convenient course schedules designed for working professionals (online or in-person at the Learning Services Center), advancing your career and moving to a higher salary lane is within your reach!
Check out the program information page for more details!See attached flyer for more information as well!

Graphic promoting a program for teachers to earn endorsements and a master’s in culturally diverse education at St. Vrain.

UCCS Teacher Summer Camps

Participants engage in multi-day, hands-on workshops grounded in expanding their teaching toolkits, collaborating with colleagues, engaging all learners, and reinvigorate professional passions. Topics include Kagan cooperative learning, educational technology, multi-sensory phonics instruction, arts-integrated literacy, supporting CLDE learners and their families, and integrating AI (Information taken from email from Director of Teacher Education).

Camps run June 2 – 6; June 23 – 27; July 14 – 18

All camps are at the UCCS Campus with free parking

Discounted rates available:

  • Three or more teachers from the same district
  • Early Registrants (through May 1st)
  • UCCS Alums
Promotional flyer for UCCS Teacher Summer Camps with dates, times, and contact information for details.

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St. Vrain Valley Schools