The Priority Programs Department supports St. Vrain Valley Schools to ensure educational equity and academic achievement for all students. Through the Office of English Language Acquisition, Priority Programs staff support culturally and linguistically diverse students through ELL and biliteracy programming, supplemental school funding through Title III, and ongoing professional development for teachers and administrators.
The Elementary Literacy Office provides support to schools to promote grade-level reading proficiency for all students. This support includes professional development for Literacy Specialists, classroom teachers, and paraprofessionals, reading assessments and data analysis, the Project Launch summer literacy program, the Dyslexia Task Force, and supplemental funding through the Colorado READ Act.
The Priority Programs Department also oversees Title I funding and supplemental supports for schools with high student poverty rates in order to ensure that all students meet challenging academic standards.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education program is also part of Title I and Priority Programs. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education program objectives are to increase the access, stability and educational success for children and youth experiencing homelessness.