Special Dietary Needs

Special Dietary Needs

Did you know SVVSD Nutrition Services is allergy aware? But what exactly does that mean?
This means that we work diligently with staff, parents and students to support those with food allergies. Nutrition Services takes many different steps to help support these students. These includes:

  • Provide safe food handling practices to avoid cross-contamination with potential allergens.
  • Any items containing peanuts and tree nuts are clearly labeled and pre-packaged to prevent cross contact.
  • Our interactive menus allow you to filter out food items that contain the top 8 allergens. 
  • We work closely with students and parents on developing special menus for their severe allergies. If your child has a food allergy or dietary disability, we can accommodate! Please contact the Nutrition Services Special Diet Supervisor, Amy Gray, to discuss your student’s options.
  • The Nutrition Services central office is available to help parents identify, in advance, foods that potentially contain allergens. Nutrition Services staff is not responsible for notifying a student that an item contains a certain allergen at the point of service. Students are responsible for knowing which items that they can and cannot take.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that products used in our kitchen have been manufactured in facilities that are free from allergens. Most of our manufacturers do not provide precautionary labeling. That type of precautionary or advisory labeling is voluntary. However, all manufacturers in the US must follow current Good Manufacturing Practices as designated by the FDA, which help ensure food safety practices and reduce the potential of cross contamination for major allergens.

"image of [Amy Gray]"
Amy Gray, MDA, RDN

Area Supervisor / Special Diets


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St. Vrain Valley Schools