Creating curiosity and supporting local farms
Ag. Science/Future Farmers of America (FFA) Mentorship Program
Our department has partnered with our own Ag. Science and FFA students to create an innovative and inspiring mentorship program. Student mentors conduct educational sessions with Pk – 8th grade students on topics such as soil health and the role of pollinators in agriculture. Mentors and lead teachers, who are all food safety certified, also plant seeds, harvest and prepare produce alongside students. The student-grown produce is then highlighted on their salad bar at their school.

Buying Local

We are committed to supporting Colorado Farms and serving fresh, local foods to our students. See below for a list of our farming partnerships!
- Hoffman Farms
- East Denver Food Hub
- Ollin Farms
- Rogers Mesa Fruit Co.
- Rocky Mountain Fresh
- Van Thuyne Farms (BoCo Beans)
- Hungenberg Produce

Recognition for Farm to School Efforts
- USDA’s The Dirt Newsletter
- Colorado Department of Education’s The Dish Spotlight
- Features SVVSD’s hyper-local heirloom tomato salsa with green chiles (right)
- NxtGen Innovation Award
- NxtGen featured podcast!
- Better School Lunch: Farm-to-School Foodservice and Sustainability podcast