
Grand View Library Furniture


Grand View Library Furniture


The operation of the Procurement Department is governed by Board of Education policies and local, state, and federal laws. The Department’s responsibilities include providing the District with policies that foster an ethical, responsive, and efficient environment while honoring obligations to internal customers and suppliers.

How the Process Works

Each year, St. Vrain Valley Schools acquires a variety of goods and services. The Procurement Department strives to achieve the best price while allowing the District to operate efficiently and economically. The Procurement team reviews or solicits purchase requests to ensure sound procurement procedures were followed and adequate pricing comparisons were obtained.

Procurement Procedures/Bid Requirements

SVVSD does not require an approved vendor list for procurements of $5,000 up to less than $25,000. As long as procedures are followed as outlined by Board policy, our staff members are able to do business with vendors of their choosing.

Small Dollar Procurement / P-Cards

Price quotations are not required. Procurement of goods or services totaling less than $5,000 shall be processed as a p-card transaction or a purchase order is assigned. Buying from cooperative contracts and discount pricing agreements is encouraged. 

Procurements of $5,000 up to less than $25,000

Competitive Requests for Quote must be obtained from a minimum of two suppliers. All purchase requests are reviewed by Procurement before approval of a purchase order. 

Procurements of $25,000 and above

A formal competitive process is conducted and facilitated by Procurement. An Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposal process may be used. District Board of Education approval is required for the procurement of goods and services totaling $100,000 and above before a contract is awarded and a purchase order issued. 

Professional Services / Instructional Materials

Contracting for professional services, procurement of educational workbooks, textbooks, library books, and expendable science supplies are exempt from the competitive bid requirements. Appropriate contract documents are submitted to Procurement prior to purchase order approval. 

How to Participate in the Process 

The St. Vrain Valley School District does not maintain a vendor list for Bid/RFP solicitations. All competitive solicitations are posted on the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System. Suppliers and contractors are to register to obtain access, view, and print all formal solicitations. The District, along with other participating public agencies, posts bids, quotes, proposals, amendments and award information on this website. Rocky Mountain BidNet provides all technical and customer support. 

To participate in future solicitation opportunities from the District, bidders must register and select one of two service plan options. The District cannot guarantee accurate information obtained from sources other than the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System.

St. Vrain Valley Schools