The Early Childhood/Preschool department oversees the following preschool programs:
- Tuition programs for 3 and 4 year old children
- The Universal Preschool Program
- Special Education services for eligible preschool children 3 to 5 year old children. Preschool works collaboratively with the St. Vrain’s Special Education Department (Child Find) in the assessment, identification, and programming for children with disabilities
The department is responsible for supervision and implementation of the following:
- Preschool Standards
- Curriculum – Creative Curriculum® from Teaching Strategies
- Assessment – Teaching Strategies GOLD (on-line, authentic assessment)
- Results Matter – Colorado’s statewide early childhood system
- Colorado Preschool Program – state funded program
High-Quality Preschool Programs
St. Vrain Valley Schools offers high-quality preschool programs across our elementary schools. Our engaging and comprehensive curriculum is taught by licensed teachers and gives students a competitive advantage that prepares them for kindergarten and beyond.
Excellence Begins With Preschool
Enrolling your student in a high-quality preschool program is one of the best ways to give them a strong start on their academic journey and ensure a competitive advantage in elementary school and beyond. Follow us on Twitter at @ECEinSVVSD to learn more about St. Vrain’s outstanding preschool programs.

Birth to Graduation
From the moment a child is born through the time they enter kindergarten – and far beyond – exposure to words and numbers is foundational to brain development and school success. For Grand View Elementary teachers Alyssa Rehder and Joan Scheuerman, their approach to teaching not only focuses on language through song but also on developing authentic experiences that bridge play with literacy development.