What is eCredit?
Students who have failed specific core courses have another opportunity for success through the SVVSD eCredit Recovery Program. St. Vrain Valley School District offers this hybrid credit recovery program that allows students to recover credit by retaking only the concepts in which they were previously unsuccessful through an in person blended learning model. The eCredit program uses the award-winning K-12 software-based curriculum from Edmentum which is aligned with both the state content standards and the St. Vrain Valley School District Scope and Sequence.
Monday, April 28th – Wednesday, May 28th (at NOON or earlier if seats fill)
Session Dates/Times:
June 2nd – June 20th from 9am – 12pm
Mandatory IN PERSON class Monday – Thursday with Fridays virtual.
June 23rd – June 24th may be utilized with approval from the eCredit office for additional targeted instruction and special circumstances.
Locations and Courses Offered:
- Frederick High School – English, Math, Science, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
- Longmont High School – English, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
- Mead High School – English, Math, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
- Niwot High School (at Niwot HS) – English, Science, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
- Silver Creek High School – English, Science, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
- Skyline High School – English, Social Studies, Math, PFL, & Health
SEATS FILL QUICKLY, so register early. If the location you wish to attend is full, please click the following link to fill out the waitlist. Summer 2025 Waitlist
New Meridian/St. Vrain Virtual Summer eCredit runs their own Summer School with slightly different times and dates. Only students currently enrolled at New Meridian High School or St. Vrain Virtual High School, may attend this location. If you are a current NMHS/SVVHS student, please speak to your principal or counselor about how to get registered.
Required Parent/Guardian Orientation:
An Online Parent Orientation video will be REQUIRED for all student guardians who have a student enrolled in the Summer 2025 eCredit Session. Once registration has been completed, the eCredit office will send out an email with all of the information regarding the eCredit session, along with a reminder and a link for Guardians to view the orientation.
Once registration has ended, we will send out an email with all the information regarding this eCredit Session and a reminder about our Parent/Guardian Orientation video.
If you have any questions, please call our office at 303-702-7906.
Fees and Registration
.5 credits = $150 (or $75 if you qualify and are active in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program). Paperwork must be updated in Infinite Campus in order to get the F/R rate. If you receive an error message when registering, and know you qualify for the reduced rate, please check with your school so see that your paperwork is up-to-date.
Please register for ONLY ONE course. If your student finishes their first course with enough time to complete a 2nd course, they will be given a link to register for a 2nd course and receive a discounted course fee. The discount rate for the 2nd course is $75 (or $40 if you qualify and are active in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program).
Paperwork must be updated in Infinite Campus in order to get this reduced rate. If you get an error message when registering, and know you qualify for this rate, please check with your school to see if your paperwork is up-to-date.
Help! I got a Student ID error message like this…

If you get this error message, please make sure:
- Your last name is spelled (with hyphens and spaces) just like it appears in Infinite Campus
- Your student ID number is just as it appears in Infinite Campus
- If you are marking “yes” for the free-reduced pricing, your paperwork must be up-to-date in Infinite Campus. IF YOUR FRL STATUS IS NOT up-to-date, please go here to fill out that paperwork.
Fall 2024 will be our next available eCredit session. Registration will begin on August 14th for SENIORS ONLY, and all other students can register between August 23- September 5. Students should connect with their school counselor in their first week back to school in August to determine which course(s) to register for in eCredit.
Our Next Sessions is Fall 2025 – CLICK HERE for more information.