Frequently Asked Questions

three girls working on their ipads

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions about eCredit:

What courses are offered through eCredit?
MathEnglishSocial StudiesScience/Electives
Intermediate Algebra A
Intermediate Algebra B
Algebra 1A
Algebra 1B
Geometry A
Geometry B
Algebra 2A
Algebra 2B
English 9A
English 9B
English 10A
English 10B
English 11A
English 11B
English 12A
English 12B
World Studies A
World Studies B
US Government A
US Government B
US History A
US History B
Personal Financial Literacy
Biology A
Biology B
Chemistry A
Chemistry B
How does my parent/guardian receive information on supporting me in eCredit? (Mandatory Parent Orientation Video)

There is a Mandatory Orientation video for parents or guardians that can be found here (y aqui es el video en espanol). We encourage students to view this video with their parents/guardians to in order to understand an overview of eCredit.

How should I choose which class to take in eCredit?

Make sure you talk with your counselor to determine which class you need to recoverYou MUST have failed the course and have an F on your transcript to recover the credit.  We do not offer courses as first time credit.

What do I need to do to register?

Click on the Session you are registering (in the left sidebar). At the bottom of the page, there is a link that says “click here to register.” You can pay online with a credit card or check.

Incomplete payments will be voided and the student will not be registered. Registration must be completed before deadline.

Will I make a good candidate?

Good candidates can answer YES to these questions. Students who struggle in eCredit typically say No to at least 2 items. If you are that student, and insist of taking eCredit please know you may struggle more with eCredit.

  1. I have access to a computer/iPad and the Internet
  2. I can attend all in-person school meetings
  3. I have reliable transportation that can get me to eCredit every week
  4. My after-school extra curricular activities (sports, job, sibling duties, etc.) will not interfere with attending after-school eCredit or completing lesson activities
  5. I am ready to learn the content by doing focused extensive reading.
  6. I know how to follow directions from an online instructor, OR I am willing to ask questions and learn to do this.
  7. I know how to take effective notes and know HOW TO USE them in a test, OR I am ready to ask questions and learn how to do this.
  8. I can minimize online distractions (avoid visiting external sites such as facebook or you tube)
  9. I will do my own work and not have someone else complete my work for me
  10. If I am taking a Social Studies or English course, I am committed to write every other week
How long do I have to complete my work?

Course work must be completed within the 10-week session during the school-year (after-school, two days a week for two hours each day). This 10-week window does not include holidays. No extensions will be given.

Our Summer session meets the first 3 weeks of June, Monday-Friday for 3 hours a day. Students are finished at the completion of their course(s).

Is this an online course or a face-to-face course?

It’s a blend of both! You are required to attend face-to-face meetings to get that teacher support. However, you can work online from anywhere with Internet connection. You can work every day for as long as you choose and get done as soon as you have submitted the required course work. This means you can complete the course much sooner than the deadline depending on the amount of time you are willing to dedicate to completing the coursework.

What if I decide to drop after registering?

You may drop at any time, but the fee is non-refundable if you don’t contact us before the start date. Please email to notify our program that you or your student needs to be dropped.

How much does it cost?

$150 per 0.5 credit
$225 per 1.0 credit

Students on free and reduced lunch
$75 per 0.5 credit
$115 per 1.0 credit

St. Vrain Valley Schools