Concurrent Enrollment Student Checklist
You have indicated that you are interested in enrolling in a college course while a high school student. The State of Colorado provides several options for students who meet high school standards to begin college early. The purpose of these options include promoting content standards, academic challenge and enrichment, and providing access to academic courses that may not be available at a local high school to meet high school graduation requirements. The final grade received will appear on the district’s official high school and postsecondary transcripts. To enroll at an eligible post-secondary institution a student must have completed the minimum course prerequisites and all required assessments. In order to ensure student safety, night classes must begin by 6:30 p.m. for approval. For any questions related to Concurrent Enrollment, such as process, eligibility, and prerequisites, please work directly with your school counselor.
Please complete the following checklist each semester, and observe the important dates and deadlines in the table below.
- Meet with your School Counselor – Your counselor can share information about the Concurrent Enrollment Program that allows students who have exhausted high school course options to concurrently enroll in postsecondary courses.
- Update your Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) with your Counselor – Your counselor will examine your ICAP to approve moving forward with postsecondary courses or other challenging courses.
- Prerequisites – Colleges may require students to take a placement exam or consider SAT/AP scores to enroll in courses. Consult your counselor and the college about testing accommodations and any course prerequisites that may be required.
- Complete Your College Application – Students must apply to the college. If it is a FRCC course, you must apply to the college BEFORE completing the District Program Agreement Form. If you submit the application correctly, you will receive your S# by the end of the business day. You will need your “S number” in order to complete the district agreement form (Step #5). Call FRCC for assistance. For CSU courses make sure that you are using ONLY the link provided by your counselor to enroll, as this is the only link for Concurrent enrollment. You will only need to apply to the college once, the S number is a state number for all colleges in Colorado.
- Complete your District Program Agreement Form – Complete the Concurrent Enrollment Program Agreement before registering in the course(s) at the college. If you are taking a class at a St. Vrain site make sure to choose the High School site option for the college. Once approved, a PDF of the agreement form will be emailed to your district email.
- Register for your Course(s) – Once you have completed this checklist and are approved by your school and district to take a Concurrent Enrollment class, you will need to register at the college of choice for your course(s), pay any fees (if applicable), and purchase your textbooks. If you are enrolling in a Front Range class at a St. Vrain site, you may skip this step.
- Sign up for the College Opportunity Fund – The College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend pays a portion of your total in-state tuition when you attend a Colorado public institution or a participating private institution. The stipend is paid on a per credit hour basis to the institution at which you are enrolled and will be deducted from the designated COF fund. The college will bill you if you do not complete this step.
The District will pre-pay your tuition, minus Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF). The District is not responsible for payment of any additional fees other than tuition. Additional fees owed to the college must be paid directly to the college and are the student’s responsibility.
Important Program Dates for Fall 2025 Enrollment

St. Vrain Valley Schools
- Opens March 3 – Closes May 10 Student window to complete District Program Agreement Form (Click here to complete)
- May 17– Counselor and Principal approval/denial due
- May 20 – District approval/denial due
Contact information:
Leann Shetler

Front Range Community College (click here for enrollment)
- March 3 – Class schedule available online
- March 17- Registration opens for all students
- August 18 – Classes begin on campus
- Drop Deadline- September 3
*IMPORTANT for Front Range Community College: Policy states there will be no late registrations accepted. For classes that begin on January 16th at the FRCC campus, students must be registered for class(es) by 11:59 p.m. on January 17th. This includes students that have been placed on a wait list.
Contact information:
Kezia Grenda, Coordinator, Concurrent Enrollment 303-678-3764

AIMS Community College (click here for enrollment)
- March 3 – Class schedule available online
- April 7- Registration opens for all students
- August 25 – Classes begin on campus
- Drop Deadline- September 8
Contact information:
Luis Tavizon

Colorado State University
Please visit with your high school counselor for approved CSU online courses, and to see if you qualify.

University of Colorado Denver (click here for enrollment)
Only for P-TEACH program offered at the Innovation Center
CU Student/Parent Resources
Contact information:
Wendy Howenstein, Instructor:
Melissa Dole, Counselor:
Sandy Modragon:
(303) 702-8244