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Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment (ASCENT) is a program that allows students to participate in college courses after their 12th-grade year. This program covers the cost of tuition for the Fall and Spring semesters (in the year after high school completion) and associated fees.  Students are responsible for books, materials, transportation, and living expenses.  Students should talk to their home high school counselor if they are interested in the ASCENT program.  Additionally, the following requirements must be met:    

  1. Must be under the age of 21.
  2. Must be both academically and emotionally ready for college. 
  3. Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in high school.
  4. Must be enrolled in a St. Vrain Valley school in the 11th and 12th grades as a full-time student.
  5. Must be on track to meet all high school graduation requirements by the end of your senior year.
  6. Completed, or be on track to complete, at least 9 credit hours of college coursework before the completion of your 12th-grade year – this could be concurrent enrollment courses or AP courses. Only AP scores earned in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade will be accepted. (See below for guidance regarding receiving credit for your AP scores.)
  7. Must not need basic skills/developmental education coursework (college courses lower than 100-level).
  8. Must meet any prerequisites for classes, if required.
  9. Must have an updated Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).
  10. Authorize the use of their College Opportunity Fund (COF). If you do not complete this each semester you will be billed for the COF difference.
  11. Must not have participated in ASCENT in previous years.
  12. Must have applied and been accepted to our ASCENT partner college:
  • Front Range Community College
    • Students who submit ASCENT applications by February 13th will find out about application status in late March.
    •  Application Deadline is February 13th.

Guide for applying to ASCENT

Student Eligibility

  • Completed, or is on schedule to complete, at least 9 hours of college credit through Concurrent/Dual Enrollment classes and/or AP test scores completed by the end of junior year. 
  • College-ready and will not need developmental coursework in the program you enroll in. 
  • Not an ASCENT participant in any prior year.
  • Not a current P-Tech Student.
  • Applies and is accepted into a postsecondary program at Front Range Community College

Before Filling Out The Application

  1. Meet with your high school counselor to discuss the ASCENT program, your eligibility, and some of the unique details of this program. 
  2. You will allowed to enroll in up to 15 Credit hours per semester
  3. If needed, send your AP test scores from your freshman, sophomore, and junior years to Front Range Community College. The test scores must be “transcribed” into college credit and shown on your unofficial college transcript. (Instructions on next page.) 
  4. Get an unofficial college transcript for each college you have earned credit with as part of your Concurrent/Dual Enrollment classes (or transcribed AP tests). Your college credits must appear on your unofficial transcript before including it in your ASCENT application. 

*Approval from the district is conditional until you fulfill the eligibility requirements.


College Board

  • To get college credit for your AP scores, you must request that CollegeBoard ( send an official AP score report to the college of your choice.
  • You can only send AP scores from freshman, sophomore, and junior years. Scores from senior year will not arrive in time to be considered for ASCENT.
  • Send your test scores to Front Range Community College.
  • Pick a major at Front Range Community College. (Colleges typically will not transcribe AP test scores for undeclared majors.)
  • Log into your CollegeBoard account and access the My AP section.
  • Go to My AP Profile, select the Score Send tab, and choose the college where you want to receive your score report. You can send one free set of test scores every year you take an AP test.

Get An Unofficial Transcript

  • List where you received college credit (for concurrent/dual enrollment classes and transcribed AP test scores). Get your “S” number.
  • Log into your student account for each college to request an unofficial transcript. 
  • You will need to have your transcription completed by June 1 2025, this means you have it available June 1 to submit to St Vrain for final approval in the program.

High School Diploma

St. Vrain will hold your diploma until completion of your ASCENT year

Questions? Reach out to your high school counselor or to Leann Shetler, or Kahle Charles,

St. Vrain Valley Schools