Work-Based Learning

IBM student interns

Work-Based Learning

IBM student interns

Work-Based Learning

Work-based learning has always been the foundation of career and technical education.

Experiences such as guest speakers, field trips, job shadowing, internships, and school-based enterprises provide students the opportunity to connect course content to their desired career pathway and potential work site.

St. Vrain Valley CTE programs align with the Colorado Career and Technical Education mission, “CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real” by offering work-based learning to all of our students in all  of our CTE programs.

What is work-based learning?

Work-based learning (WBL) is a continuum of activities that occur, in part or in whole, in the workplace, providing the learner with hands-on, real world experience. It combines skill development with training opportunities and is a key strategy in Colorado for developing talent and preparing Coloradans for the workforce and evolving labor market. 

Work-based learning programs are instrumental in creating high-quality career pathways that enable students and job seekers to secure industry-relevant skills, certifications, and credentials leading to higher levels of education and employment.

The state of Colorado offers many resources for the development of Career Technical Education, including work-based learning.

Please refer to the State’s CTE guide for any questions regarding:

  • Perkins funding
  • Types of WBL
  • Legal requirements
  • Safety protocols
  • Liability
  • Equity
  • and much more…

Work-Based Learning Profiles in St. Vrain

The State of Colorado has provided detailed definitions for all kinds of work-based learning. The following opportunities can be found within St. Vrain:

  • Apprenticeship and Pre-Apprenticeship
  • Clinical Experience
  • Field Experience
  • Industry-Sponsored Project Teams
  • Internship (Paid or Unpaid)
  • Job Shadow Experience
  • School Based Enterprise

With so many WBL opportunities, it’s important for our district to create infrastructure and protocols for the various connections that can occur between students, teachers, schools and community/industry partners.


Definition: An employer-driven model that combines on-the-job learning as a paid employee with related classroom instruction in order to increase an apprentice’s skill level and wages. St. Vrain offers a variety of apprenticeships, some of which are through CareerWise Colorado. These opportunities may require a three-to-four-year commitment by the student – 1 to 2 years of which are postsecondary.


  • Hours: 16-24/WK
  • Credit: .5 PER/60HRS

Where can I find available apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships developed by St. Vrain Valley Schools or one of its many partner organizations can be found on the CareerWise Marketplace, linked below.

How do I get students involved?

For more info, contact Erika Germer, K12 Partnerships Manager, at

CareerWise has a thorough process for on boarding new businesses and students. The following process walks students and educators through the student-on boarding process.


Definition: Services and programs, often including classroom instruction, designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in Registered Apprenticeship programs. These programs should have a documented partnership with at least one Registered Apprenticeship program sponsor and together, they expand the participant’s career pathway opportunities with industry-based training coupled with classroom instruction. 

Clinical Experience

Definition: One of the more critical experiences for healthcare science students is exposure to patients in a clinical setting. This type of experience will allow you to ensure that you enjoy working with patients and that you are well suited for a career in medicine. 

Field Experience

Definition: Field Experience for students in the Early Childhood Education, Teacher Cadet and Paraeducator programs is an experience in which students are supervised by a clinical teacher in a student teaching experience for a minimum of 30 contact hours. 

Industry-Sponsored Project Teams

Definition: The objective of an industry-sponsored project is to create a unique, high-quality educational opportunity for students, where the educational content will enhance educational objectives of the program and class to which it is assigned. Industry Sponsored Projects in any CTE program should meet state expectations to ensure a quality WBL experience for the student.


  • Hours: VARIED
  • Credit: CURRENTLY N/A

Where can I find available project teams?

Industry-sponsored project teams are primarily developed by the Innovation Center and the Career Elevation and Technology Center.


  • Active industry partner participation throughout the project
  • Project must be based on a real need in the specified industry and/or community
  • Structure for implementation is imperative
  • Learning objectives and milestone metric must be clearly outlined prior to launch
  • Involve CTE advisory boards when possible
  • Share impact with stakeholders and participating partners
Internship – Paid

Definition:  Internships are on or off-campus work-based learning activities designed to provide students with opportunities in real-world environments for exposure to the requirements of a particular occupation or industry. Students will learn about the work environment and the expectations for success in a career pathway. Such work experiences are not expected to provide formal training for occupational skills, although some skills may be learned. Internships are completed under the guidance of an industry supervisor and school district personnel, who in combination with the student will create a framework for learning and reflection. Internships may be paid or unpaid. For every 60 hours of internship work, students will earn a 0.5 credit.


  • Hours: >60
  • Credit: 0.5/60 hours
Internship – Unpaid

Definition: Internships are on or off-campus work-based learning activities designed to provide students with opportunities in real-world environments for exposure to the requirements of a particular occupation or industry. Students will learn about the work environment and the expectations for success in a career pathway. Such work experiences are not expected to provide formal training for occupational skills, although some skills may be learned. Internships are completed under the guidance of an industry supervisor and school district personnel, who in combination with the student will create a framework for learning and reflection. Internships may be paid or unpaid. For every 60 hours of internship work, students will earn a 0.5 credit.


  • Hours: >60
  • Compensation: N/A
  • Credit: 0.5/60
Job Shadow Experience

Definition: A work experience option where students learn about a job by walking through the workday as a shadow to a competent worker. Variations include virtual job shadows (allows an individual to observe an occupation through the use of videos) or job simulation (career exploration that allows an individual to participate and gain experience in aspects of an occupation through simulation).


  • Hours: <30
  • Compensation: N/A
  • Credit: N/A
  • Course ID: N/A
School Based Enterprises

Definition: A school-based enterprise (SBE) is a simulated or actual business conducted within a school. It is designed to replicate a specific business or segment of an industry and assist students in acquiring work experience related to their chosen career cluster. The management and leadership of the business enterprise should be provided by student positions identified in the business.

Site Evaluations & Background Checks

Student safety and program quality are among the highest priorities when placing students in work-based learning opportunities. The information below outlines the required process for site evaluations and background checks.

Site Evaluations

Pre-approved work-based learning opportunities must undergo a site evaluation by a WBL or CTE staff member.

If the newly proposed opportunity aligns with academic standards and partner engagement protocols, a site evaluation of the partner’s location will be scheduled and performed using forms pre-approved by risk management and legal counsel. Contact Heidi Ringer at for guidance to the approved forms.

Background Checks

To schedule an appointment, a partner should reach out to Heidi Ringer at

Confirmations of your supervisor’s background check will be shared by Human Resources or the CTE Director. Costs associated with the background check are charged to the CTE center creating the opportunity.


Dina Perfetti-Deany
Dina Perfetti-Deany, Ed.D.

Area Assistant Superintendent – Area 3

Adrienne Pequeen
Executive Administrative Assistant


Work-Based Learning Committee

  • Dina Perfetti-Deany, Ed.D., Area 3 Assistant Superintendent
  • Eric Berngen, Coordinator, Innovation Center
  • Matthew Buchler, Administrator on Special Assignment
  • Maura Brady-McMullan, Lead District Counselor
  • Laura Hess, Ph.D. Assistant Superintendent of Special Education
  • ToniJo Niccoli, Principal, Career Technology and Elevation Center
  • Axel Reitzig, Executive Director, Innovation Center
  • Brandon Shaffer, Executive Director of Legal and Governmental Affairs, Community Outreach, and P-TECH
  • Buck Webber, Assistant Principal, Career Technology and Elevation Center

St. Vrain Valley Schools