Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas
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Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas

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Witches of Westview

Julia Linder


Angie Nieto Lara

Paper Flower

Navi Whitlock


Jaxie Callard

Mask Art

Siobhan Chandrasekara


Jenna Contreras

Experimental Photography

Olivia Gonzales


Shaelynn Capshaw

Whale galaxy

Cora Lincoln

Pop Art Printmaking

Natalie Houchin

“At Home Care”

Lewis Rice

Value Portrait

Abbie Hausotter

Value Portrait

Byron Pirir

2D Design Prints

Lea Davies


Skye Little Cloud

Laurel Burch Cat

Artemis Philipopoulos


Scarlett Sierra Chavarria


Addison Engleking

Abstract Alphabet

Maia Schaalman

Abstract Alphabet

Annika Graham

Pop Art

Peyton Gutierrez

Fall Landscape

Akayli Nelson

Gorging on the Government

Charlie Cronk

Altered Book

Holland Huber

Altered Book

Evie Goldstone

Self Portrait

Blake Landry

No Thoughts, Head Empty

Lexi Adams

Intermediate Drawing Project

Blake Yoder

Artist showcase

Bo Chapman

Artist showcase

Logan Borrell

Breaking the Silence

Amelia Parsons


Lillian Bauer

The Nightfall

Colin Pickett

Land of Hourglass

Kaelyn Guiterrez

Clay Sculpture

Demetrius Galloway

Clay Sculpture

Gwen Ashack


Brendon Rousselot

St. Vrain Valley Schools