Meet Some of St. Vrain’s Outstanding Grads

2024 Outstanding Grads

Meet just a few of our approximately 2,300 outstanding graduates who will walk across a stage this week to receive their St. Vrain Valley Schools diploma. Congratulations to all students in the Class of 2024!

Erie High School

Ben Egan, Erie High School Graduate sitting in a grassy area with his knee up and smiling

Ben Egan
Jazz Composition, Berklee College of Music

What’s a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain?
My fondest memories at Erie High School will always be the spring musicals. I’ve participated in the pit orchestra every year since I was in eighth grade, and it is always the highlight of my year. I get to spend so much time with some of the coolest, most talented people in the whole school, and playing the music is something I will dearly miss.

Maryn Perschon, Erie High Graduate sitting in the sand looking up smiling

Maryn Perschon
Professional Writing/Communication and Spanish, Brigham Young University at Provo 

What makes your high school unique?
What really Makes Erie High unique is the small town feel it still has. Even though the community has grown a lot since it was built, the feeling at Erie is still that of a supportive small town community. We still get to do things like Homecoming parades where the whole town shows up. When our football team goes to state the community goes to support them. The community behind Erie High makes it just an incredible place to be.

Marco Martinez, Erie High Graduate is in front of trees smiling, leaning on a wall

Marco Martinez
Aerospace Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
Through my participation in the Erie Academy of Engineering and Aerospace, I have been able to take advantage of courses in computer aided design, engineering design, aerospace, physics, and more. Through my experience in the program, I have further strengthened my passion for aerospace engineering while also learning the basics of engineering that will propel me forward as I pursue an engineering degree in college.

Sierra Ryan, Erie High graduate, smiling standing on a rock by the beach

Sierra Ryan
Computer Science, Arizona Sate University

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
During my years as an Erie Tiger, my experience was anything but traditional. I attended classes at multiple high schools, devoted much of my time to the Innovation Center, and even took AGILE courses online while enrolled at Erie. This showcases the commitment of both St. Vrain and Erie High in providing students with access to every possible resource and opportunity within the district. Erie stands out for its dedication to prioritizing the individual needs of each student. Whenever I expressed interest in exploring new areas, they ensured I had the opportunity to do so. Their commitment to my education was unwavering, as they consistently adapted to my unique needs as a student.

Frederick High School

Mahayla Johnson, Frederick High Graduate sitting on a rock on the creek smiling at the camera

Mahayla Johnson
Astrophysics with a Minor in Music, Montana State University 

What makes your high school unique?
For me personally, what makes Frederick High unique is the wide variety of music classes my school offers. I play cello and was able to work in our pit orchestra, which plays the music for musical theater shows. That was a very unique experience.

Marcos Meza, Frederick High Graduate sitting on a rock next to the creek

Marcos Meza

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
A student should want to attend Frederick High because it is an amazing environment for anyone to be in. There are great teachers, great staff members, amazing academic and athletic programs, and there is a large variety of clubs for everyone.

Mareta Sagapolutele, Frederick High graduate, smiling while sitting on the beach

Mareta Sagapolutele
Criminal Justice, Front Range Community College

What advice would you give to students entering high school next year?
As you embark on your high school journey, remember that it’s a time for growth, exploration, and self-discovery. Stay open-minded and embrace new opportunities, whether they’re academic, extracurricular, or personal. Take advantage of the resources and support available to you, including teachers, counselors, coaches, and other mentors. Set goals for yourself, both short-term and long-term, and work diligently towards achieving them. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things, as these experiences will help you learn and grow. Remember to prioritize self-care and balance in your life, as maintaining your physical and mental well-being is key to success in high school and beyond. And most importantly, have fun.

Evin Sturn, leaning on a fence and smiling

Evin Sturn
Exercise Sports Medicine, Western Colorado University

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
I have participated in Frederick High School’s Biomedical Science Academy. This pathway offers incredible opportunities to learn about the human body along with diseases and treatments related to it. Third year students in this pathway even get to use VR to further explore human anatomy. The classes are incredibly hands-on and entertaining and have inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field.

LaunchED Virtual Academy

Male student, Derrek, leaning against brick column posing for senior photo.

Derreck Noah Manchego
Government Cybersecurity and Computer Communications, University of Colorado, Boulder

Why should a student want to attend your high school? An ‘in person’ high school experience isn’t a perfect fit for all students. It was essential to my scholastic success to have the opportunity to attend LaunchEd Virtual Academy. Online school fostered an education tailored to my learning style and extracurricular needs.

Longmont High School

Cole Gaddis standing in front of the Flatirons smiling at the camera.

Cole Gaddis
Biomedical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
Prospective students should pick Longmont High School because of the quality and character of its staff. I was honored to get to learn from some of the smartest, kindest, and most passionate people I’ve ever met and they are largely responsible for making me who I am today. The people that I’ve met in my time here have left a lasting impact on me and have been an unbelievable support system in my life. The staff at LHS is unmatched, and I’ll forever be indebted to them for all they’ve done for me over the last four years of my life. 

Savannah Pohl standing in front of pine trees next to river smiling at the camera.

Savannah Pohl
Business, University of Puget Sound

What advice would you give to students entering high school next year?
My advice for incoming freshmen would be to get involved in as many things as possible. You may think you’ll be too busy for everything, but the beauty in signing up for things is you find your interests and you can always say no to plans later on. Meet as many people as you can and just enjoy the moment. Be where your feet are. High school only happens once, so don’t let fear hold you back and make the most of it.

Vianca Razo posing for senior photo.

Vianca Razo
Criminal Justice – Law, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

What’s a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain?
I have so many incredible memories from my time at St. Vrain, however one of my most recent favorite memories was at a Hispanic Education Foundation scholarship award ceremony. This day was one of the days I was able to open up not only as a St. Vrain student, but as a first generation Hispanic student. I felt represented and honored that students were recognized for their journeys. Also, that day I was able to hear other students’ journeys, including my friends, and it made me realize that we all deserve opportunities like this because of our dedication and hard work over the years.

Yuno Ide posing for senior photo, smiling at the camera.

Yuno Ide
Business Administration – Marketing, San Diego State University

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) has had the greatest impact on preparing me for success in my postsecondary education. FBLA is a nationally recognized program that is the largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world. This program inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. One of the biggest reasons I chose to attend Longmont High School is the High School of Business program. When I made my decision, I didn’t realize that there was a connected program that furthered the academic journey. I have been involved in the FBLA chapter since my freshman year as just a chapter member the first two years and growing to be a chapter parliamentarian officer my junior year, and chapter president my senior year. This year has been the most influential, as I was able to lead our chapter to become the largest chapter in the state of Colorado, hosting multiple fundraisers to support different organizations in our community, and getting a proclamation signed by the City of Longmont. This program has allowed me to reach out to new people and grow my social skills to be able to speak with confidence and have the opportunity to reach out to new students.

Lyons Middle Senior High School

Male student Sage Wynja standing in front of a large wall of rock smiling at the camera.

Sage Wynja
Finance and Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success? 
The AP program, and access to concurrent enrollment classes at Lyons has allowed me to advance my knowledge throughout high school, and achieve numerous college credits before starting my postsecondary education. My AP teachers have helped me every step of the way, allowing not just me, but many of my classmates to pass their exams, and achieve college credit preemptively. In addition, Lyons has made it possible for me to advance myself beyond the classes taught within the building. My counselor helped make it a reality for me to take Calculus 2 through Front Range, and to take AP classes online that are not traditionally taught at Lyons. What Lyons does not directly offer, they have made possible for me, allowing me to be thoroughly prepared to begin working towards my double degree starting this fall. 

Emma Johnson standing in the forest and smiling at the camera.

Emma Johnson
Chemical and Biological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
There is an opportunity to pursue any passion you have at Lyons. The culture here is for students to be involved in multiple extra/co-curriculars. Beyond academics, a majority of our school population participates in band, choir, the school musical, athletics, leadership positions, clubs, and civic service organizations. Lyons also offers the support for every student to reach their individual goals. My teachers and counselor were very supportive and flexible with me attending a neighboring high school for an AP class not offered at Lyons while still doing multiple other activities.

Sage Basile in Lyons Middle Senior High track uniform running in race.

Giovanni Basile
Secondary Math Education, Front Range Community College and P-TEACH apprentice

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
Lyons’ great counseling team has been wonderful in helping connect me with the district wide P-TEACH program which has greatly helped me further my journey to becoming a teacher. My counselor worked with me to fit my classes into my schedule and I got to do multiple teaching field experiences at Lyons middle school and later at the elementary school.

Female student Emma Rooney sitting on a rock by a river posing for senior photo.

Emma Rooney
Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara

What’s a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain? 
My favorite memory would be my first release of the adult Northern Redbelly Dace that I had helped raise as a part of the Northern Redbelly Dace Recovery Project that raised and released this endangered fish species into local restored habitats in an effort to restore native ecosystems. For two years within this program, I monitored behavior, tested water quality, gave daily feedings, and completed general tank maintenance. The release event symbolized the program’s dedication and direct actions to combat the environmental consequences of human activity and ultimately gave me a sense of community and accomplishment that I cherish. 

Mead High School

Isaac Campbell posing for senior photo in front of a tree.

Isaac Campbell 
Actuarial Science, Purdue University

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
MHS does a fantastic job of preparing students for college level coursework and the administration does a good job of advocating for students. The culture it has built surrounding academics, performing arts, and sports is also unique in terms of other high schools.

Kensington Fairly smiling at camera posing for senior photo.

Kensington Fairley
Media Communications and Performance for Film and Television, University of Colorado at Denver

What’s a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain?
My favorite memory from my time at St. Vrain has been performing on the auditorium stage for the last three years. I have made so many memories on that stage and have created a passion for performing because of Mead High School theater.

Alexis Johnson-Gonzalez posing for senior photo and smiling at the camera.

Alexis Johnson-Gonzalez
Biology Pre-Med Track, Creighton University

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
Students should decide to attend Mead High School because we contain a balance between great academics and great student spirit participation. Mead High School can help you discover what you love, but make sure you make memories throughout the four years you have here.

Thomas Molinaro, standing outside in front of the school smiling looking at the camera

Thomas Molinaro
Electrical Apprenticeship

What’s a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain?
My favorite memory is having the opportunity to be part of the wrestling team at Mead High School during my senior year.

New Meridian High School

Jessayla Stiffler, New Meridian Graduate sitting on a tree smiling at the camera

Jessayla Stiffler
Early Childhood Education, Front Range Community College

What makes your high school unique?
New Meridian is unique because it has smaller class sizes, allowing teachers to support you. Also, New Meridian is on the same campus as the Career Elevation and Technology Center, which allows for easy access to post-secondary learning opportunities.

Nicholas Monroe sitting on the hood of his truck smiling looking at the camera

Nicholas Monroe
Will Pursue Work or an Apprenticeship in Welding/Automotive

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
This school is for any student who would like to receive additional support. The staff at New Meridian will help you accomplish your goals.

Esmeralda Vega standing in front of a tree looking at the camera

Esmeralda Vega
Undecided, Lincoln Tech

What makes your high school unique?
The thing that makes New Meridian High School unique is the students. We all come together to help bring light to everything we have done, and we all support each other. We want to show our admiration for learning and express ourselves in the world.

Niwot High School

Anne Booth in front of mountains wearing a Niwot letter jacket smiling for the camera.

Anne Booth   
Cognitive Science, Brown University

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
I think I am better prepared for college after Niwot’s outstanding academics, in particular, their teachers. I have yet to meet a teacher at Niwot that has not deeply cared about my academic success. Being an athlete, I tend to miss classes when I am in season, which makes it very difficult for me to learn in the same way my classmates do. So having the ability to communicate with my teachers, and also them being so understanding of my situation has been so important in getting me to where I need to be. My teachers are the best that I have ever had and I could not ask for more in preparing for college at an Ivy League school. 

Desta Soma standing in a field with trees in the background smiling at the camera in senior photo.

Desta Soma 
International Relations and Economics, New York University

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
A student should attend Niwot for greater exposure to a rigorous curriculum, a cohort of motivated and driven students, a community that excels in both academics and athletics, and lastly for impeccable teachers who go above and beyond for their students; providing a support system that encourages students to realize their passions and impact.

Yash Deshpande wearing a suit standing in front of a tree in the fall.

Yash Deshpande   
Neuroscience (Pre-Med), Case Western Reserve University

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
Choosing to attend Niwot High School was a great decision. By choosing this school, I surrounded myself with extremely diverse and motivated students who pushed me to challenge myself. This school is also very flexible in terms of class selection. If you want to pursue the entire IB program, go for it. If you want to take a mix of AP and IB classes without doing the entire IB diploma, that works just as well. Or if you feel like taking all standard level courses, you can do that.

Male student Paris Less posing in a seated position for his senior photo.

Paris Lee
Legal and Foreign Affair Studies, United States Air Force Academy

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success? 
Niwot being the only school in St. Vrain that has both AP and IB courses prepared me in many ways. I was able to take part in the AP courses which gave me the ability to improve my understanding of college-level classes, work ethic, mindset, and almost a sneak-peak into what college life will be like to give me a great advantage moving forward.   

Silver Creek High School

Leigh Jordan Baker, Silver Creek Graduate looking back at the camera and smiling

Leigh Jordan Baker
International Affairs with a Minor in Media, Journalism and Film, University of Colorado at Boulder

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
Silver Creek is an extremely rich and unique environment, something I know I wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else. Academically, SCHS offers 20+ AP courses alongside numerous honors and interesting elective classes that can inspire any student’s interest. The teachers are knowledgeable and make themselves truly available to students – remaining for questions after class or just speaking with kids to spark joy. Often you’ll find students practicing piano at lunch, meeting for clubs after school, or running on the track. These activities, which are fervently supported by the students themselves, offer a space for free expression and community that is life changing, be that through art, athletics, or otherwise. Silver Creek is a home for anyone who should want to attend.

Oliver Welsh, Silver Creek High Graduate sitting on a rock by the creek and smiling

Oliver Welsh
Finance, University of Colorado Boulder, Leeds Scholars Program

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
The Silver Creek Leadership Academy has been one of the most influential aspects of my high school experience. I remember complaining thoroughly to my mother when applying for the program in the summer preceding high school and feared giving presentations and what being a leader really entails. I quickly learned leadership is not only standing as a representative or becoming a CEO but working to reach your full potential your way as well as inspire others to do the same their way.

Kavya Kataria, Silver Creek Graduate leaning on the fence and smiling with mountains in the background

Kavya Kataria
Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

What’s a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain?
My favorite memories all come from my time being a part of the Silver Creek Cross Country team. I joined on a whim my freshman year and while running five or more miles a day seemed daunting, the friendliness and motivating energy of the team motivated me to stay dedicated even on challenging days. Running all four years of high school has allowed me to build community and while we work very hard, every run is filled with laughter and memories. I’ve grappled with setbacks both in my performance and mindset, however, the support of my team has allowed me to shatter personal bests, and make the best of friends. Cross Country has taught me the importance of surrounding yourself with supportive people and that hard work and consistency leads to progress.

MaxMax Nacius, Silver Creek High Graduate sitting in front of a piano with his arms crossed looking at the camera and smiling

Max Nacius
Undeclared, Colorado School of Mines

What makes your high school unique?
The number of extracurricular opportunities that are offered here is amazing. There are trips in the state to neighboring schools for music, sports, and other activities. You can even travel around the country for sporting events and musical activities. You can take trips outside the country through History Class or with the Leadership Academy. The large variety of clubs and societies, like the National Honors Society, that are in the school also impacts the well-being of the students and how much they can be involved in the programs offered here.

Skyline High School

Aiden Phelan, Skyline High School graduate leaning on a fence in a grassy area and smiling

Aiden Phelan
Environmental Engineering and Business, University of Colorado at Boulder

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
I joined the STEM program as well as concurrently earning my AP Research diploma. These two focus programs allowed me to study what I am interested in. I began working on a project in STEM and then continued it into my AP research class. I built an emissions filter for cars out of compostable filters that improve plant growth. I am planning on studying environmental engineering and this project was an amazing gateway into the field of study.

Female standing in front of trees smiling, Idaly Gomez Pena, Skyline High School graduate

Idaly Gomez Pena
Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
A student should want to attend Skyline High School because of the great atmosphere, school spirit, and amazing teachers. I’ve had some of the best teachers here at Skyline and they are all willing to help students succeed.

Emilio Gutierrez, Skyline High School Graduate sitting on a tree in a grassy field

Emilio Gutierrez
Exercise Science, Colorado Mesa University

What makes your high school unique?
Skyline is unique because of its diverse and rigorous focus programs. There are four focus programs that cater to students of various interests and curiosities. The STEM program is designed for those passionate about engineering and science. Skyline’s Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) Academy caters to artistically focused students, while our FalconTECH (P-TECH) program is focused on computer science. Finally, our newest program, Business/DECA, helps students passionate about business and entrepreneurship.

Laura Heuer, Skyline High School Graduate sitting on a bench smiling

Laura Heuer
Undeclared, Colorado Christian University

What advice would you give to students entering high school next year?
High school is one of the most pivotal seasons of personal development in one’s lifetime. During your high school years, you will begin to establish who you are as an individual as well as what you value and believe. Try new things! Experiment with new hobbies that develop your personality and expand your self-confidence. Remember that, whether popular or not, right remains right, and wrong remains wrong. Seek truth above all else as you develop your beliefs and values, and don’t be afraid to go against the majority. Nurture meaningful connections with teachers, mentors, friends, and family who will support you in your high school journey. Strive for excellence across academics, extracurriculars, relationships, and self-care. When challenges arise, lean on your trusted allies for guidance and support. This high school journey is yours to shape, embrace it fully and forge ahead with courage.

St. Vrain Virtual High School

Cade Campise, St. Vrain Virtual High School graduate. Black and white photo of male wearing glasses and smiling at the camera

Cade Campise
Data Science Honors Program, Xavier University

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
Due to our school being a blended learning environment, we still have school focused programs that traditional full online classes do not. The weekly CommUnity of Strengths program teaches us about being a more mindful and positive person. Grade-level meetings help us delve into more specific aspects that are more relevant to each grade, like resume making for seniors. And finally, the test-prep class for non-seniors helps students get ready for their upcoming SAT test, as well as give very useful general test taking information that will be useful for college and beyond.

St. Vrain Virtual High School graduate in front of the swimming pool with her arms crossed and smiling

Freya Temple-Weed
Law/Economics, University of Arizona

What makes your high school unique?
What makes St. Vrain Virtual High School unique is the size of it. Because it’s smaller than most traditional schools, I was able to develop personal relationships with staff. The team at SVVHS has given me insight on my future and confidence to succeed in and out of the classroom.

Zachary Berkowitz, St. Vrain Virtual High School graduate sitting in front of computers smiling at the camera

Zachary Berkowitz
Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University West Lafayette

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success?
At St. Vrain Virtual High School, the volume of Advanced Placement (AP) classes that I’ve been able to take has been simply amazing. With their more difficult coursework and their higher level of learning, AP classes are almost always a fun and meaningful experience. In AP Calculus, I learned more in the first semester than I feel like I did in all of my years of middle school combined, and in AP Macroeconomics and AP Microeconomics I learned genuinely interesting models and methods of analysis for the flow of goods and capital that were entirely ignored in every prior math and humanities class I had taken. Now, I’m going to graduate with 12 AP classes under my belt, most of which I can apply to the basic classes in college for my major, and I’ve learned how much fun it is to learn something new!

Nathan Waugh smiling at the camera

Nathan Waugh
Undecided, University of Oregon

Why should a student want to attend your high school?
St. Vrain Virtual High School provides a lot of flexibility, and can set your own learning pace, and select the classes you want to take.

APEX Homeschool Program

Female high school senior standing against a tree smiling at the camera, hands folded in front of her.

Genevieve S. Carter
Design Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success? 
The school provides support for homeschooling, access to unique and specific experiences, and wonderful teachers to aid you in your journey. APEX itself and its amazing teachers helped keep me on track, learn everything I need to know for where I’m going next, and I hopefully made lifelong friends. Their connection with the Innovation Center and Front Range Community College allowed me to explore new interests and fields, which have determined the path I want to take. APEX and its connections helped me greatly in finding and being ready for wherever I go next.

Quin Kimmett senior photo, APEX Homeschool Program

Quinn Kimmett
Geography, University of Colorado

How has your school’s focus program prepared you for postsecondary success? 
While APEX itself offers academically rigorous course options and dedicated educators, students at APEX are also able to pursue concurrent enrollment through Front Range Community College. I have taken advantage of this opportunity, which has allowed me to get a taste of college before graduating high school.

Female high school student standing under a tree in the fall looking down at a camera and smiling. Sedona Hope Parsons - APEX Homeschool Program.

Sedona Hope Parsons
Musical Theatre, Community college for One Year Before Transferring to a Four-Year University 

What advice would you give to students entering high school next year? 
Be kind to yourself and others. We are all human beings with our own struggles and lives. Forgive yourself, forgive others, and learn everything you can. Learn about yourself, the people around you, your passions, and the world we live in.  

Male student Isaiah Rizner smiling at the camera in senior photo. APEX Homeschool Program.

Isaiah Rizner

What’s a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain?     
Getting to help raise money for Make-A-Wish was super fun and I’m very happy for the impact it made in our community.

St. Vrain Valley Schools