Trip Tracker

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Trip Tracker

Rewarding students & staff for walking, biking, bus riding, and carpooling to school!

Reporting Green Trips is open for Altona MS, Blue Mountain Elementary, Mountain View Elementary and Longspeak MS ONLY

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Trip Tracker bike to school event

Trip Tracker Re-launches in September for the 23/24 School Year in these Schools:

Altona Middle School

Blue Mountain Elementary 

 Longs Peak Middle School 

    Mountain View Elementary 

Get rewarded for using GREEN transportation to & from school!

Pre-registering for the program is not required, but if you would like more information and updates regarding walking/wheeling events and Trip Tracker Updates, please complete the sign up registration Google Form. 

Who: Students AND staff members, from participating SVVSD schools above, who get to or from school by any mode other than a single-family car. Modes include:

  • Biking, walking, scootering, skateboarding
  • Carpooling – SVVSD – check out  SchoolPoolnetworks
  • Park and walk –  park a few blocks away and walk the rest of the way to school, a short walk before school gets the brain ready for learning!

What: For each eligible trip, earn Trip Tracker dollars that can be used like cash at dozens of local businesses 

When: September, October, November, January, February, March, and April. Trips are reported at the end of the month via a Google Form and are distributed at schools in the middle of the following month.

Where: All school day trips made to and from school.

Why: To significantly reduce car traffic and associated air pollution in front of schools thereby enhancing student safety and health. 

How: Fill out the short survey emailed to participating families and staff at the end of the month. The survey will also be available on the Trip Tracker website. If it’s helpful, participants can track their trips daily via the optional printable calendar  and refer to it to complete the monthly reporting form.

Pre-registering for the program is not required, but if you would like more information and updates regarding walking/wheeling events and Trip Tracker Updates, please complete the sign up registration Google Form

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St. Vrain Valley Schools